The world we live in makes us wear out our bodies and minds, leaving us with health problems or with the feeling of complete exhaustion. Always in a rush, we sometimes fall into living our days on the auto-pilot mode, not being truly present, whether it’s with our family and friends, on our jobs or in the church on Sundays. Self-care is necessary in order to live a healthy balanced and fulfilling life. In order to start repairing the damages your body and mind have suffered through, consider detoxifying. Here are five easy steps you can try to a healthier and more energized you – inside and outside. 1. Nutrition is important Releasing toxins from your body starts from within, with a healthier nutrition. Making smarter and healthier food choices isn’t as hard as you would think – it just takes a little practice and you will easily incorporate your new diet into your everyday routine. Dieting doesn’t necessarily mean you want to lose weight. It means having a clearly structured eating schedule: from the time when you’ll eat to the choice of types of meals. Your goal is to put your body back to balance. Experts say you should [...]